NRTA News & Happenings

NRTA News & Happenings

In the first quarter of 2020, we’ve been busy developing networking and education forums for our members. Our curriculum and conference committees have been working in high gear and met for a content review at the site of our 2020 Conference in Dallas, Texas. These... Read More
Enjoying the Experience

Enjoying the Experience

In 2013, I was invited to teach my first course at the NRTA conference in Orlando. I had shared with my sister who worked for YUM Brands at the time that I was excited about the research and applied strategies in positive psychology that could contribute to increased... Read More
Conference Hailed as a Superior Experience

Conference Hailed as a Superior Experience

The goal for the NRTA conference is to provide educational sessions that will allow attendees to negotiate stronger leases, and to ensure that existing lease language is working to comply with lease obligations. Over 400 real estate lease professionals came together... Read More