NRTA’s immensely popular Classroom Live lease administration series is taking a well-deserved summer break. BUT not to worry for those wanting more of this valuable education resource. Executive Director Lisa Krizek and NRTA’s Executive Leadership Team promise the program will return this fall following NRTA’s 2022 National Conference in Phoenix, September 11-14.

Why mess with success?

Classroom Live was introduced in April 2021 in response to a growing need for hands-on training, and face-to-face lease administration education, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In-person learning, live-training, and so much more had been brought to a halt.

The goals were clear. Improve both the process and ROI of the participants’ lease management programs. The result was also clear. NRTA Classroom Live was an overwhelming success!

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Fast-forward one year: Classroom Live program expanded

More crucial lease industry topics were explored. Most sessions sold out. Enterprising professionals — both seasoned veterans and those new to the industry — thrived in the personalized, limited seating, 90-minute interactive format.

Industry leaders continued to sign on to teach. Best practices were shared. Attendees realized benefits, came back for more, and asked for still more!

“All four classes were excellent. Content was relevant, educational. A+” said one participant. “Content is spot on where the industry is at,” said another. “The Q & A was very informative. The facilitators were very engaging and knowledgeable,” noted another.

NRTA’s Classroom Live’s inaugural year attracted over 135 participants. Twenty-seven highly acclaimed industry leaders presented more than 32 targeted classes receiving high marks for up-to-date, engaging, enthusiastic presentations.

So, take the Summer Off Classroom Live Students and plan to come back in the fall!

Read the full article.
