Paul Kinney, NRTA Executive Director
A message from NRTA Executive Director Paul Kinney
We recognize and welcome Glenn Browne, Esq. as our newest board member. What a time to take on added responsibility. Still, Glenn, like so many others, was undaunted about accepting his new leadership responsibilities amidst the coronavirus threat. I appreciate his commitment and look forward to his contributions.
That being said, I am ever so much aware of the importance of individuals—all of us—participating in something bigger than themselves. During this COVID era, a continued sense of volunteerism is essential for the success of the global community and is similarly true if NRTA is to continue to fulfill its role as the premier educational resource for the commercial real estate lease management industry.
While Covid loomed over all of us, it changed us. It challenged us professionally and personally. I can tell you it threatened the well-being of NRTA.
The pandemic forced the cancellation of many interactive programs and disrupted a revenue stream that directly supports our basic education mission. Sadly, some members told us that without a conference they would hold off renewing their annual membership commitment.
However, many core curriculum partners reaffirmed their NRTA commitment. As education planners, presenters, and sponsors, these loyal partners understand that if NRTA did not continue to provide professional education resources there would be no substitute. Under the cloud of COVID-19, they reaffirmed their NRTA commitment.
Their strength is contagious. NRTA bowed but did not break. With consistent leadership, sheer hard work, and a determined winning attitude, a motivated NRTA family resolved to continue teaching and develop new education tools for the lease administration professionals asking for training.
NRTA bowed but did not break. A motivated NRTA family resolved to continue teaching and develop new education tools for lease administration professionals.
This positive energy has resulted in a number of new or enhanced educational opportunities for our members. I encourage you to visit the NRTA website to learn more about them. I also encourage each of you to join us as an NRTA ambassador. Renew your membership. Help to ensure the well-being of this incredible resource. Spread the news! Tell your peers about the benefits of membership; and most certainly, plan to participate in the upcoming learning experiences I will outline here.
Personally, I cannot wait to welcome each of you to our wonderful Annual Conference experience when we resume this unparalleled event in the near future.
Valuable learning experiences coming in 2021
NRTA has expanded its popular webinar program. NRTA expanded this popular program to include over 20 superior presentations in 2020. Timely topics included CAM Definitions, the Audit Process, Surplus Property Management and the Ins and Outs of Co-Tenancy. Webinars are free to active NRTA members.
As an additional bonus, these outstanding webinars are recorded and available to members through our Professional Lease Administration Library. Take advantage of this incredible learning opportunity whenever it is convenient for you! And don’t forget, the NRTA Professional Library is a rich resource featuring literally dozens of professional articles and “how to” discussions concerning many lease administration management challenges.
NEW! YouTube Webinar Channel. NRTA has launched its own YouTube Channel, currently featuring six professional discussions. Topics range from Lease Abstracting, Surplus Property Management, Lease Administration during COVID times, and NNN Auditing for Beginners.
We are optimistic this venue will help more commercial tenants to find the NRTA. We have already seen a growth of members from non-traditional retail pathways such as banks, medical clinical services, and offices with multiple leases.
NEW! NRTA Classroom – Live! As our conference has been postponed this year, we are proposing NRTA Classroom – Live! This will be a series of three classroom workshops. This new program will begin in early June. Stay tuned!
A final acknowledgement.
Finally, I wish to publicly acknowledge the cooperation we have experienced with our traditional conference host facility, the Marriott Corporation. Together we decided to postpone our 2020 and 2021 conferences. We recognized the risk of jeopardizing the well-being of our conference attendees and the Marriott team. In both cases we were able to move 2020 and 2021 to future dates. We are ready to move ahead and look forward to reopening our Annual Conference at the Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass in Phoenix, Arizona, September 11-14, 2022. See you there!