IN RECENT YEARS, a number of medical care companies like Fresenius have turned to NRTA as they search for best practices for real estate lease management.

It’s not hard to see why!

Managing property portfolios is a significant challenge for ALL tenants. Period. And the medical industry — now expanded to include dental, vision, alternative medicine and more — is not exempt. The reasons are numerous and include a change in focus from treatment to prevention. The end result? Medical tenants find retail environments more and more attractive.

In a March 2022 Wealth Management article, contributing writer Jenn Elliot wrote: “As the healthcare industry evolves, more and more health and wellness providers are choosing to move into retail centers. These ‘medtail’ tenants are driving much of the retail leasing activity right now, leading to a supply-demand imbalance in highly visible centers and allowing retail real estate owners to generate higher rental rates.”

So kudos to you, Fresenius for leading the way to NRTA!

NRTA recently welcomed Fresenius’ Rob Miller and Rae Cockrell to National Real Estate Tenants Association. Rob is Director of Lease Accounting & Finance for Fresenius’ North American arm, headquartered in Waltham, Mass. Rae is a Real Estate Tax Manager based in Texas.

Managing property portfolios is a huge challenge. By affiliating themselves with NRTA and accessing our website, many members discover new ways to control occupancy costs and countless other practices.