To accommodate requests from both speakers and participants, NRTA’s Classroom Live is excited to announce new course dates for the next real estate lease training course, Auditing Commercial Leases—Uncovering Hidden Profits.

Lease auditors and lease analysts, this timely training series for you!

The information-packed, four-part educational series—led by a team of seven expert presenters—includes:

  • Percentage Rent Peer-to-Peer: Feb. 17, 2022
  • Forgotten Cost Reduction Categories Worthy of Review and Strategies to Implement: Feb. 24, 2022
  • Finding “Gold” in Your Utility Bills & Services-Identifying Overcharges and Finding Refunds: Mar. 3, 2022
  • In the Trenches Guide to Insurance: Mar. 10, 2022

Participants are strongly encouraged to register quickly, as the interactive course offers very limited seating. Presenters will dive deep into several occupancy expense categories that typically are not heavily negotiated and, consequently, result in significant overcharges. Industry experts will teach attendees how to identify these additional opportunities for cost savings – improving the bottom line.

Targeting Percentage Rent

In the first session, participants will collaborate with peers and analyze some of the challenges lease administrators, lease analysts and lease accountants face when dealing with the pros and cons of percentage rent. Whether you have ten days’ or ten years’ experience, please join us for this interactive practicum.

The second course is devoted to discussing several cost reduction opportunities that can make a difference in a tenant’s bottom-line profitability. Some overhead expenses are often forgotten, or, simply not well understood. Classroom LIVE participants will focus on the areas of:  Waste Expense Management – General Waste and Recyclables, Green Alternative; Small Package Shipping and Currier Services; Merchant Services, Electronic Payment Processing; and Telecommunication – Wireless, Landlines, VoIP, Cable, and Conferencing.

The third course guides attendees through an increased awareness of reviewing and auditing utility expenses. Using a proven methodology, you can acquire refunds and/or reduce your monthly expenses for your utilities by understanding, reviewing, and auditing utility expenses for overcharges and savings. Additionally, this course will provide steps to create protocols within YOUR organization to produce results in utility bill management and cost recovery programs. Learn how to implement a pathway for identifying overcharges and finding the “lost gold” hiding within your current utility expenses.

Presenters reveal potential savings opportunities

The fourth segment of the series features an insurance industry expert and a veteran retailer who will provide an overview of types of insurance and common terminology. The presenters will also discuss acceptable supporting documentation needed from landlords, as well as issues related to reimbursements and allocations. Using actual industry examples, the presenters will simplify complexities, enabling participants to gain greater clarification, understanding, and potential savings opportunities.

Register now!
