Conference Hailed as a Superior Experience

Conference Hailed as a Superior Experience

The goal for the NRTA conference is to provide educational sessions that will allow attendees to negotiate stronger leases, and to ensure that existing lease language is working to comply with lease obligations. Over 400 real estate lease professionals came together... Read More
Thoughts from an Insurance Agent

Thoughts from an Insurance Agent

Over the years we have seen the issues of landlord’s insurance from both sides of the fence. The landlord controls the policy and premiums, but the tenants want to make sure they are not being asked to pay for anything that would not benefit them and be required by... Read More
Take Advantage of the NRTA!

Take Advantage of the NRTA!

Frankly, there is no other resource providing this concentration of professional education and skill development in our industry. Take full advantage of the NRTA. As a long-time NRTA member, one particular benefit of significant value I have experienced and want to... Read More