The state of the American mall

The state of the American mall

Earlier this year, I received a flurry of text messages from my mother, who was at the going-out-of-business sale at our local Macy’s. I was floored — not by the deals, but because my childhood mall, the Crystal Mall in Waterford, Conn., was losing another big-box... Read More
Golden Rule of Lease Management

Golden Rule of Lease Management

Whether you are a small business tenant, large office tenant, or retail chain with large real estate portfolios, typically represent one of the top cost-centers a CFO must fret about.  Not surprisingly, therefore, new leases receive the full attention they deserve at... Read More
Lease Administrators add to Bottom Line

Lease Administrators add to Bottom Line

For companies with large real estate portfolio, lease administration is perhaps the most overlooked department. Whether a commercial office tenant, retail and restaurant chain, the lease administration function historically has been considered as overhead, and not as... Read More